Tuesday, March 31, 2009

crazy exam!!!!

Last time, i talk about the stupid quiz right?? This time, my lecturer become more CRAZY...
He ask one of my classmate, do some ACTING, and ask us jote down what he done...
He say that is our MID SEMESTER EXAM...
Sweat... =_=''

Lecturer just give us 15 minutes to answer that(actually just 10 minutes, his time is crazy)...
Have to write down what the student done, what is the WIP(work in process), what is the input, what is the out put for all station...
that 49 seconds = mid semester exam = 20 marks!!!!!!

You all see his 'acting', what is your answer???
I wanna see how you all answer it...
if you can answer it it 10 minutes with all the step in correct, i call you genius!!


  1. lol .... yr lecturer ran out of questions after all this yrs of lecuring

  2. johnny ong,
    ya.. i think that so.. mayb he lazy to write in in paper... =_="


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